"In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." Ephesians 2:22
You may wonder what the church is really here for. It would be surprising to hear the answers from many Christians if I asked them why they thought the church existed in the first place. Now let's be clear first: When I speak of the church, I'm not talking about just a building with a bunch of people in it, but a whole group of people throughout the world. So I would get many answers and probably most of them would be correct for the most part. Some would say to win souls to God's kingdom, to provide a place of fellowship and strength and teaching for the believers in Christ, or to help those less fortunate then us just make their way in this life by providing to them the things they need. Yes, all of these answers are no doubt correct but the real reason God has his church is to have a place of habitation and an organism in which he can move through. Of course we know God is everywhere and knows everything. We know he is all-seeing, all-knowing, and all-powerful and can do what he wishes. But as he didn't assign the angels the task to take the gospel to the lost, so he didn't assign them to be the agents to which he could move through although they do engage in spiritual warfare but only at his command and that is done through the prayers of the church. God ordained that the church would be the organism to which he would move through. That's why Paul said that it is the habitation of the Spirit.
In verse 19 we read, " Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God." When someone really gets saved, they become members of the church. No, not from signing a church roll or a certificate, but from being truly born again with their sins washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ. Those who are really members of the church are not citizens of this world in that the world is only a temporary place where we can work for God, but our home is in heaven.
We learn that it is like a building that has been in progress since Christ rose from the dead for we read in verse 20, " And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone". It all begins with Christ as he is all and all.
So if the church is to be the instrument in which God moves through, it is a necessity that his people pray. The reason our country is in the condition it is in is because of the church! The reason we have killed about 50 million babies, see homosexual behavior on the rise, have continual corruption in our government, is because of the church. Hollywood runs rampant with filth, the cults including the Moslems are increasing and gaining influence, and our families are breaking up is due to the church and the lack of prayer in it.
The church is not for a gymnasium or a social club but a place for prayer and teaching God's Word. It's should be a place where people can get deliverance from sin, bad habits, and get healing. We will see revival in American when people pray, really pray. We will see wickedness less prominent and vctories won in the name of Christ when we pray! Will you pray? We will see revival in America! I hope you are in on it. I want to be! Pray church pray!