"But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Mark 13:32
According to Harold Camping and many others, the rapture of the church was to take place this past Saturday at 6:00, May 21, 2011 (but I never knew which time zone he was talking about but assume it was the west coast). No doubt, many of these people were very sincere in their belief that it was to occur on that date at that time. I'm not questioning anybody's motives or purpose. We're still here! It didn't happen! Even before May 21st, I read another headline that some group is now saying that Christ will return in October of this year, and of course there is that prediction that everything is going to come to a halt on December 21, 2012. So what does this tell us? The first and most obvious answer is that we can't set dates on Christ's return. The scripture above plainly states that only God the Father knows that. Funny how man thinks he is smarter than God, even when running his own program. But there is another underlying thing that we can observe and that is that these things are coming ever increasingly. I personally believe that man is aware that we are on the edge of history so he is groping for answers. He may not know when, he may not know how: he may not know exactly why, but he is searching.
Jesus was very plain in the following verse as to what the Christian should do in times like these. "Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is." Mark 13:33 If there is any time to pray, it is now. If there is any time to watch the world events, it is now. If there is any time to win souls and pray for revival, it is now! I read a newspaper article a couple days prior to Saturday the 21st and the reporter asked about 30 people in our conservative East Texas area what they would do if they know things were going to end in a couple days. Most said they would spend the time with their families, one man said he would get right with God, and a few said they would pray. NOT ONE, no not one said they would try to win their friends and family to Christ in the remaining time. This shows the pattern of the Laodicean church of today. It was all focused on self and maybe a few around them. What is our focus, is it just on self and those few family members around us or are we concerned about others we cone in contact with or those we know even on a limited basis. It is time to examine our hearts as we live in the last of the last days. I firmly believe that God wants to bring revival to America but in order to do it, we must all look inside ourselves and take inventory according to God's Word. Remember what Jesus said in Mark 10:15, "Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." We must humble ourselves before the Lord that he may exalt us in due time.
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